I leave in less than a week for San Fransisco. I haven’t been there in years – since my military days (yes, I had military days, a story for another time). I am over-the-moon excited to head out for a weekend in the windy city city that never sleeps city by the bay – oh hell, what is San Fransisco’s nickname?

I have two lovely and local travel mates I can’t wait to get to know better: MommyBits and Susan at Working Moms Against Guilt. Smart and funny drunks women sure to show me a good time. (That is your number one mission ladies – show me a good time.)

I can’t wait to see A Mommy Story and Girlfriendology again. And meet, at long last, blog buddies like A Mom Two Boys, Headless Mom and of course The Bloggess. Not to mention the uber-savvy gals from Momcrats and my roomie, who might be too smart for this little (term loosely used) Ohio gal. I’m giddy just thinking of it.

Two months ago a trip to BlogHer 2008 was a pipe dream. I ran the numbers and like so many bloggers, a trip across country was not in the cards. A true believer, I entered every contest I could get my hands on and then something wonderful happened. I WON ONE! Courtesy of the amazing Amanda at The Mom Crowd (a most excellent site by the way and I’m not just saying that cause she’s my sugar daddy), I am able to go.

But wait, there’s more. A few weeks later, the lovely Stephanie at Adventures in Babywearing awarded a scholarship (that’s what I’m calling it as I was what you might call an educational underachiever and I need to boost my resume). HP was the generous benefactor of this $250 prize which just about covers my hotel stay. I use HP products everyday and they are the best. My HP Laserjet 4000 never fails me. I heart HP and Stephanie, and you should too.

Now, if I could just get Delta to cover my airfare, this trip would be amazingly free. Note to Delta: I don’t expect to get something for nothing, I know times are tough. In exchange, I’ll go through the lobby of the conference hotel (with or without clothing, your choice – but choose wisely) screaming DELTA ROCKS! at the top of my lungs until I’m escorted from the property. Have your people call my people. DELTA ROCKS!

But most of all to my husband who gave me the “Hell yes you should go!”. Thus the sucking up post in his honor from earlier this week. He is a good egg, plain and simple. He thinks DELTA ROCKS! too.

So next weekend I’m off and I couldn’t be more excited. Three days of no responsibilities to anyone but myself is a dream. Don’t get me wrong, I love motherhood and wifehood and workingforthemanhood very much. But it has been a long time since I have this many hours strung together where I’m accountable to no one but myself. And you couple that with the opportunity to meet and connect with like-minded, fun, spirited and strong women? I’m too lucky.

Thanks to everyone who is making the trip possible and thanks in advance to every soul I’m about to meet and be enriched by. Please say hello – you might just walk away with a little useless piece of Ohio to treasure forever. See you soon. DELTA ROCKS!